Российская федерация
443067, г. Самара,
ул. Советской Армии, 98, офис 12
Тел./факс +7 (846) 341-79-28


Methods of Payment

You can choose one of the following methods of payment:
Following methods of payment are available:

1. FOR ORGANISATIONS– to transfer money from transfer account of your organization into our transfer account. Our transfer account details are shown bellow.
2. FOR INDIVIDUALS – use Russian Federation Savings Bank offices to transfer money into our transfer account. Our transfer account details are shown bellow.
3. FOR BOTH GROUPS mentioned above – transfer money through WebMoney system. Refer to www.webmoney.ru for details. WebMoney account details will be sent on client’s e-mail request.

Transfer Account Details
(Only for methods of payment described in items 1 and 2)

“Elite-Service” Pty. Ltd.
443086 Samara, 69/116A Mitshurina St.
INN 6316080469, KPP 631601001

P/c 40702810579000000008
Branch “Samarskyi”
OAO “Promyshlenno-Stroitelny Bank”
BIK 043601849
K/c 30101810000000000849
INN / KPP 7831000010 / 631002001


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